Saturday 6 June 2009

PNG History

Live Volcano "Rabaul"

The land of beauty................

Our Security Council


Our Trainees

Our staff quarters

Our Labour Camp

Recreation club

Our transportation

Family Accomodation

Our security office...........................

Our camp on construction...............

Our week ends.................

Our Safety Team

Europeans first arrived in Papua New Guinea in the 16th century, and it was subsequently settled in the 19th century by both the Germans and British. Long governed by Australia in modern times, it finally gained its full independence in 1975.

Papua New Guinea includes the eastern half of the island of New Guinea, the islands of the Bismarck Archipelago, and the island of Bougainville, itself still (politically) part of the Solomon Islands.

The central core of the main island is mountainous with deep, green valleys dotted with mysterious and remote villages. There are still no significant cross-country roads from the capital city, and most vital transportation depends on small aircraft and the over 400 isolated airports.

Much of the inland population lives in primitive conditions and there are over 700 different languages spoken among the various native tribes.

SAFETY FIRST......................